Thursday, April 4, 2013


I am beyond in love with our life right now. There are a few big issues looming over my head that are causing me anxiety, but mainly just LOVE.

My little boy is toddleing all over the place, smiling and whining and being a goof ball. Isn't this age just amazing? It makes me so happy and I wish I could freeze time and keep him this way forever. It's hard to imagine that not too long from now he will be seven, and then thirteen, and then eighteen and possibly gone. Even harder to imagine is what I will be like. 

Aside from the past few days of rain and storms, the weather here has been hinting of summer, which means we throw open all the windows and try to survive without the AC for as long as possible. Thank goodness my post pregnancy hot flashes have finally stopped, so I no longer feel the need to keep the house at 69 degrees. We cracked open the first watermelon of the year today. Last year, when Liam was still just the bulge inside my belly, we lived off of watermelon. He seemed to love it today, perhaps in recognition.

Liam got a little kiddie pool to splash around in, and spends a lot of time in his skivvies (which is great because he has outgrown most of his clothes anyway).

Watching him play and grow and learn makes my heart swell with admiration. I can't wait to see what kind of man he is going to become, what kind of big brother, what kind of person. 

He is growing up to be so handsome. These days it's hard to tell if he looks like me or his daddy.

He has started to talk with his lips all pursed, making the cutest little baby words. This morning he said "Bad dog!" to the dog.  

I love the gap between his teeth, but for his sake I hope it closes as the rest of his teeth come in. Kids can be so cruel. In the mean time I will cherish that gap, and those little lips, and those big, fluffy cheeks that are just so edible!

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