When Patrick deployed several weeks ago, I quickly fell into a nice routine. Every night after the kids go to bed, I spend 30 minutes to an hour doing chores. I keep the downstairs fairly spotless. The upstairs is another story. But I've been pretty proud of how I've kept up with things. I have a mixed drink every night, and enjoy the process. It helps me unwind; it's almost meditative. A clean house makes my soul feel clean and organized.
But then.
Then, I should have several hours of free time, time to pant! Instead, I spend every night "relaxing". Netflix on, phone in hand, sitting on the computer.
Every now and then, it's really nice to relax. It's a lovely treat. But, relaxing really isn't very relaxing. It almost feels...toxic. The less I paint, the less inspired I am, the worse I feel. So. Tonight? I am getting off my butt and getting my fingers messy with paint :)